What is a GeoThermal System?
A geothermal system uses the earth for both heating and cooling.
Geothermal systems taps into the renewable solar energy stored in the ground. Using a series of underground pipes, they exchange heat with the earth instead of outdoor air.
While air temperatures can vary greatly from day to night or winter to summer, the temperature just a few feet below the earth’s surface stays an average 55°-70°F year-round. This means that a GeoThermal system can provide superior energy efficiency.
Summer Cooling
As outdoor temperatures rise, a GHP collects the unwanted heat in your home and moves it to the cooler 55° earth. Meanwhile, ordinary heat pumps and air conditioners are forced to dump that heat outside. Unfortunately, hot summer air is already saturated with heat and is less willing to accept more. That makes ordinary cooling systems least efficient when you need them to be the most efficient.
Winter Heating
As outdoor temperatures fall, a GHP draws from an underground reservoir of heat, concentrates it, and moves it to your home. Meanwhile, an ordinary heat pump is forced to collect heat from frigid winter air, making it least efficient when you need it to be the most efficient. And unlike a furnace, our units don’t create heat through combustion. They simply collect and move it.
Benefits of Geothermal
Savings on utility bills
You can save up to 70% on utility bills with geothermal system, while still enjoying consistent comfort in your home.
Environmentally Friendly
Geothermal systems are recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as the most environmentally friendly, cost effective and energy efficient heating and cooling technology available. These systems also minimize the threats of acid rain, air pollution, the greenhouse effect and global warming—problems directly linked to the burning of fossil fuels. In fact, installing a single geothermal unit is the environmental equivalent of planting 750 trees or removing two cars from the road.
Geothermal units aren’t subjected to the punishing effects of outdoor weather or fuel combustion, so they last longer than nearly any other heating and cooling system.
Because natural gas, propane, or oil isn’t required to operate a WaterFurnace system, there’s no combustion, flames, or fumes and no chance of carbon monoxide poisoning.